
  1. Download the MCR installer file MCRR2019bmaci64installer.dmg.zip (Matlab Compiler Runtime R2019b (9.7) Mac release).
  2. VERIFICATION OF CONSENT ORDER, CASE NUMBER 17-0236-DIS STATE OF COUNTY OF Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on 2017 by a representative of DMG—TuIsa, L.
  3. Mcr Dmg File The Harmony Surgery Center is a multi-specialty facility that specializes in surgical and procedural services for adults and children. Now Offering Aesthetic Services & Products Independently operated, Harmony Surgery Center is the largest outpatient surgery center in Northern Colorado Outstanding physicians and highly experienced.
  1. Mcr Drg Rate
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  3. Mcr Mgd Care

See full list on cdc.gov.

Use McRetroTS for cardio-respiratory regression with fMRI data as standalone application without Matlab
Compiled versions of RetroTS.m that do not require Matlab to be installed. The code takes as input the respiration movement and pulse oximetry data and provides as output a series of curves that are appropriate as regressors for RETROICORR processing (now handled in afni_proc.py). Linux (64-bit), Mac Intel and Mac PPC versions are available.

Compiled versions of RetroTS.m that do not require Matlab to be installed are available here. These can be used in cases where either Matlab is not installed or Matlab toolboxes are missing. The program, McRetroTS, is provided as a wrapper to the RetroTS.m program. The RetroTS.m program requires both the Statistical toolbox and the Signal Processing toolbox in addition to Matlab while the compiled version provides a stand-alone solution (with no additional cost). The code takes as input the respiration movement and pulse oximetry data and provides as output a series of curves that are appropriate as regressors for RETROICORR processing (now handled in afni_proc.py). Linux (64-bit), Mac Intel and Mac PPC versions are available.

This is an example of the usage of the program, McRetroTS:

McRetroTS resp.dat pulsox.dat 4 50 20 0
or generally

McRetroTS Respdatafile ECGdatafile VolTR Nslices SamplingFreq(PhysFS) ShowGraphs

The output is a file named oba.slibase.1D. The ShowGraphs option here is new allowing you to turn off figures from appearing. Setting that to 0 turns off the figures. Setting it to 1 turns the figures on, so graphs will appear. With the graphs on, the program waits for user input before exiting. With the graphs off, the program does not wait and continues, making it more appropriate for use in scripts. The number of options is limited compared to the Matlab version because they need to be explicily set. Also because the compilation is not yet automated, the compiled versions will not be updated frequently and will lag behind the Matlab version distributed with AFNI's Matlab library. If options or features are missing that you need, please let us know.

In a script, this program can be repeated called like this:

foreach run ( `count -digits 2 0 8`)
McRetroTS Resp_${run}.dat ECG_${run}.dat 2.3 38 50 0
mv oba.slibase.1D r${run}.slibase.1D

Then use the -ricor_regress_option for afni_proc.py to use these regressor files.

The installation of the compiled program requires several environment variables to be set so that the program knows where to find the dynamic libraries required for Matlab compiled code, the MCR (Matlab Compiler Runtime) libraries.

For the Mac versions, install the MCR libraries by using the DMG package installer included in the distribution. If Matlab is already installed, then this step is not necessary. A script is supplied to set the environment variables and run the McRetroTS program, but setting the environment variables separately can done also, as for the Linux version.

For the Linux version, untar the package from the distribution link, run MCRinstaller.bin the first time you run this and then run the setMcRetro.csh script (included in the distribution and copied below) to setup the environment variables for the appropriate directories.

tar xzvf McRetro_Linux.tgz

cd McRetro

unzip McRetroTS_pkg


# edit the setMcRetro.csh script to point to the correct directories

# updating the mcr_root directory to the location where it was downloaded

# and the version to the version of Matlab (V76). If there is no preexisting version

# of Matlab, keep the version the same.

# alternatively, add the environment variable definitions to your .cshrc file

source ./setMcRetro.csh

You can then add the McRetroTS directory to your path or copy the McRetroTS program to your afni directory.

# setMcRetro.csh
# set up environment variables for call Matlab compiled code
# usage:Master of Corporate Real Estate (MCR)
# run MCR installer.bin once to get this to work
# Install into the directory that you will specify as mcr_root below
# call this with source./setMcRetro.csh
# or put these environment variable settings in the .cshrc file or equivalent for your shell
Mcr Dmg# may want to put these files in a separate directory,
# mkdir McRetro; cd McRetro
# tar xzvf McRetroTS.tgz
# unzip McRetroTS_pkg
# install Matlab compiler runtime libraries
# install using GUI (there are options to do this silently and no user interaction though)
# ./MCRInstaller.binMcrd grad dates
set mcr_root = '/misc/tungsten2/dglen/McRetro'
set version = v76
# slightly different from the Matlab help - also need bin/glnxa64
setenv XAPPLRESDIR ${mcr_root}/${version}/X11/app-defaults

Mcr Drg Rate

Created by Daniel Glen
Last modified 2010-06-30 17:08

OpenSees Navigator is also available as a standalone executable application for Macintosh systems. This allows you to run OpenSees Navigator without having to install Matlab on your Mac. Instead of installing Matlab you will only have to install and download the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) libraries, which are freely available from the Mathworks website. Please follow the instructions below to install and run OpenSees Navigator as a standalone application.


Installation Instructions:

  1. To download OpenSees Navigator please register first, if you have not done so yet.
  2. Log in and download the OpenSees Navigator zip-file containing the standalone executable for your platform.
  3. Download the appropriate version of the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) libraries for your platform. Important: You can find the correct version of the MCR from the readme.txt file that comes with the OpenSees Navigator application.
  4. Install the MCR libraries by executing MCRInstaller.dmg and following the on screen instructions.
  5. Unzip the OpenSees Navigator files in any directory of your choice and then execute OpenSeesNavigator.command.
  6. Important: Typically it is necessary to start OpenSees Navigator twice the very first time for it to initialize some internal variables correctly.
  7. Please note: starting the compiled application takes approximately the same amount of time as starting Matlab, so please be patient.

Mcr Mgd Care

Older Versions: